
Patricia Sweeney

Patricia Sweeney

2335 Southeast Pine Street
Portland, OR 97214
Home: (503) 233-3383
Work: (503) 231-5050
Home: (503) 234-4947


Ed Kerns
Born: 04/13/57


I have lived in Portland, Oregon since 1991. My main vocation is the practice and study of the science and art of yoga at an Institute of yogic studies in town. As an occupation, I run a very small rental business and juggle various odd jobs to pay my modest bills. I live in a close-in vibrant neighborhood with my artist/poet husband Ed Kerns who runs a rails to trails habitat restoration project and is also a dedicated yogi (i.e. meditator.) The vast majority of our lives takes place within a 5 mile radius. Within a two hour drive in any direction from our home is the ocean, the high desert, old growth forest, and the cascade mountain range with abundant lake and river camping. This is where we spend a fair portion of our time in the summer and fall. I am also an armchair scholar. My usual subjects are depth psychology, comparative mythology, poetry, yoga, homeopathy/osteopathy, western politics, history and economics, the historic and present expressions of resistance and dissent world wide and last but not least, American Roots Music with its roots in rhythm and the African American experience. My middle years seem to be about integrating my native childhood influences: the American midwest, Irish ancestry, catholic up bring, heated politics/verbal heritage, rock and roll/blues/jazz/country rock/rhythm and blues influence…with my own personal and more “esoteric” explorations and aspirations so as not to deny anything but to expand, integrate and honor my whole experience.