Reunion Day

Reunion 2024 Wrap Up

The Clan Reunion 2024 is now in the books. The stories have been shared, the jokes told, the songs played and the many bonds between family strengthen and renewed. The day was perfect. The setting ideal. The food and drink was plentiful. And the kids games absolutely joyous.

To all those who were able to join our family reunion, THANK YOU. We had over 75 family members turn out for our “SNL” Talent Night on Saturday and close to 200 attended the Reunion 2024 celebration on Sunday. To all those who were not able to attend, know that you were not forgotten but you were greatly missed. (We did talk about you though.) Below are a few images from the day. They certainly do not fully capture the day, but do help recall the wonder of the day. We will share more photos and video as we collect them.

Remember, this reunion would not have been possible if not for the generous sponsorship of so many from the Boomer generation and the time and effort put in by those on the “Reunion Committee”. Follow this link to see list of those we need the thank.

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