Nancy Phares-Zook
Nancy is retired from the University of Colorado Institute for Behavioral Genetics where she was employed as a Professional Research Assistant and worked on a project to isolate a genes responsible for predisposition to alcoholism.
Megan Phares
Born: April 1, 1976
Megan married Darren Booth on July 23, 2010 and they reside in Boulder, CO. Megan received her MBA from Colorado State University and is now working as a Business Analyst at Spectra Logic in Boulder. Darren is a Financial Analyst for Ball Corporation in Boulder. Megan and Darren have two sons: Carter, born on January 14, 2013, and Brady, born July 9, 2015.
Kelly Phares-Zook
Born: Sept. 25, 1985
Kelly earned a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy degree from Colorado State University, and currently works with autistic children. She married Aaron Holt on October 28, 2017. Aaron is employed in the IT Dept. at the University of Colorado in Boulder.