Patricia Florian Barrett—24 Generations & Counting!
Generation 1
- Patricia Florian Barrett was born August 12, 1924 in Lackawana, , New York, USA. She died November 21, 2017 in Bay Village, Ohio.
Generation 2
- [Father Unknown]
- Lelia “Etta” Bryant was born October 6, 1897 in Farnham, VA. She died April 18, 1961 in Port Chester, NY.
- Patrick “Paddy” Barrett was born April 26, 1889. He married Pearl Casey Barrett. He died 1964.
- Pearl Casey Barrett was born February 17, 1891 in Chicago, Illinois. She married Patrick “Paddy” Barrett. She died July 2, 1993 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA.
Generation 3
- Caleb Litchfield Bryant was born January 18, 1859 in Farnham, VA. He married Luetta “Etta” Lusby May 3, 1885 . He died but the details are unknown.
- Luetta “Etta” Lusby was born May 1, 1865. She married Caleb Litchfield Bryant May 3, 1885 . She died but the details are unknown.
- Patrick Barrett was born 1847. He died 1929.
- Margaret Gallagher Barrett was born 1861. She died 1899.
Generation 4
- Richard P. Bryant was born 1824 in Virginia. He married Sarah Bryant November 25, 1865 in Richmond, Virginia. He died but the details are unknown.
- Alice “Alsey” Brown was born 1827. She married Richard P. Bryant February 1, 1847 in Richmond, Virginia.
- Thomas W. Lusby was born 1836. He married Martha A. Dunway January 22, 1857. He died but the details are unknown.
- Martha A. Dunway was born 1831 in Northumberland, Virginia. She married Thomas W. Lusby January 22, 1857 . She died June 20, 1869 in Richmond, Virginia.
Generation 5
- Thomas Wroe Bryant was born 1783. He died 1853.
- Frances Dodson was born 1785. She died 1857.
Generation 6
- James Booth Dodson was born 1750. He married Winifred Hammond. He died 1818.
- Winifred Hammond was born 1755. She married James Booth Dodson. She died 1843.
Generation 7
- John Hammond was born 1722. He married Susannah Hightower. He died 1781.
- Susannah Hightower was born 1734. She married John Hammond. She died 1765.
Generation 8
- John Hammond was born 1685. He married Catherine Dobyns. He died 1764.
- Catherine Dobyns was born 1698. She married John Hammond. She died 1746.
Generation 9
- Daniel Dobyns was born 1653. He married Elizabeth Godson. He died 1713.
- Elizabeth Godson was born 1666. She married Daniel Dobyns. She died 1701.
Generation 10
- Edmund Dobyns was born 1631. He married Sarah Crane. He died in 1693.
- Sarah Crane was born 1631. She married Edmund Dobyns. She died 1656.
Generation 11
- Randolph Dobyns was born 1557. He married Ursula Kirle. He died in 1651.
- Ursula Kirle was born 1569. She married Randolph Dobyns. She died 1632.
Generation 12
- William Dobyns was born 1527. He married Blance Warnecombe. He died 1579.
- Blance Warnecombe was born 1532. She married Willima Dobyns. She died 1592.
Generation 13
- Richard Warnecombe was born 1497. He married Anne Bromwich. He died 1548.
- Anne Bromwich was born 1499. She married Richard Warnecombe. She died 1549.
Generation 14
- John Bromwich was born 1474. He married Anne Payne. He died 1532.
- Anne Payne was born 1478. She married John Bromwich. She died 1500.
Generation 15
- James Bromwich was born 1450. He married Jane Lloyd. He died but the details are unknown.
- Jane Lloyd was born 1430. She married James Bromwich. She died but the details are unknown.
Generation 16
- Richard Bromwich was born 1396. He married Elizabeth Price. He died but the details are unknown.
- Elizabeth Price was born 1400. She married Richard Bromwich. She died but the details are unknown.
Generation 17
- Thomas Bromwich was born 1361. He married Catherine Alice Oldcastle. He died 1396.
- Catherine Alice Oldcastle was born 1362. She married Thomas Bromwich. She died 1397.
Generation 18
- John Bromwich was born 1333. He married Margery St. John. He died 1381.
- Margery St. John was born 1325. She married John Bromwich. She died 1395.
Generation 19
- Ralph Bromwich was born 1306. He married Elanor de Bohun. He died 1333.
- Elanor de Bohun was born 1306. She married Ralph Bromwich. She died 1363.
Generation 20
- Earl Humphrey de Bohun VIII was born 1270. He married Princess Elizabeth Plantagenet. He died 1322.
- Princess Elizabeth Plantagenet was born 1282. She married Earl Humphrey de Bohun VIII. She died 1316.
Generation 21
- King Edward Plantagenet I was born 1239. He married Queen Eleanor Castille. He died 1307.
- Queen Eleanor Castille was born 1241. She married King Edward Plantagenet I. She died 1290.
Generation 22
- King Henry Plantagenet III was born 1207. He married Queen Eleanor of Provence. He died 1272.
- Queen Eleanor of Provence was born 1223. She married King Henry Plantagenet III. She died 1291.
Generation 23
- King John Lackland Plantagenet was born 1168. He married Queen Isabella of Angouleme. He died 1216.
- Queen Isabella of Angouleme was born 1188. She married King John Lackland Plantagenet. She died 1246.
Generation 24
- King Henry Curt Mantel Plantagenet II was born 1133. He married Queen Eleanore of Aquitaine. He died 1189.
- Queen Eleanore of Aquitaine was born 1122. She married King Henry Curt Mantel Plantagenet II. She died 1204.